A 5-year strategic plan following several acquisitions

The client
A global animal health organization needed a strategic plan following the acquisition of four companies (vertical integration backwards).
Post-acquisition, it was critical to show leveraged value to key internal and external stakeholders.
Four organizations with various organizational cultures and go-to-market approaches
Team members were geographically dispersed: 3 time zones
Varying degrees of experience with strategic planning
Short time frame: a 4-month project was condensed into 7 weeks
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we could not meet in person
Virtual facilitation techniques enabled us to accelerate the strategic planning process.
Our work included:
market analyses (reviewed 1000+ pages of syndicated and proprietary research to garner client insights);
customer segmentations;
customer journeys;
unique bundles of value propositions (products and services) each customized for a specific target segment;
product portfolio alignment;
customer incentives;
integrated communications mix; and,
a recommended internal structure to eliminate "silos" and "islands".
A 100+ page Word document: the core plan
PowerPoint presentation: summary of key strategies and tactics
The project was the genesis of several innovative approaches with the potential to significantly redefine the market.