Addressing Challenges
Overcoming challenges and maximizing opportunities are the daily realities of your job
We provide a systematic process to help you address them. To guide your thinking, we recommend using
the 5Q Framework.
Q1: What challenge are you addressing? Describe the challenge that you are facing.
Nature of the challenge or problem
At what level is the problem? Is it broad and strategic, or narrow and tactical?
Are you solving an existing problem or are you creating something new (e.g. new product development)?
Are you tacking the “right” problem?
Is it defined broadly enough to avoid myopia and allow creativity? ​
Is it defined narrowly enough to be manageable?
Is the problem focused on the customer, or user, or stakeholder?
Is it “need-focused”?
Q2: Where are you now? Why?​ Develop a challenge statement.
​Describe the problem
Utilize cross-functional insights
Involve internal and external stakeholders, including customers
Frame the problem
Frame the problem in a way the invites creative solutions
“What if …?”
Ideate the problem statement / challenge statement
Convene a creative session with sole purpose of defining the challenge statement
Employ brainstorming techniques.
Understand the underlying context of the challenge by using a Root-Cause Analysis
​Q3: Where do you want to be? When? Describe what success looks like.
Visioning techniques to imagine future scenarios, a minimal viable product, and so forth.​
Q4: How will you get there? Bridging the gap between the current situation and the desired future.
​Devise options (strategies and tactics) to address the challenge.
Employ any of several problem-solving techniques
For multi-faceted, systemic, multi-functional challenges, consider using Scenario Planning, and Business Simulations (also known as "war games")
Use prioritization techniques to select the most promising option(s).​
Use implementation techniques to put the solution in motion.
Q5: How are you progressing? Monitor the implementation and take any corrective action.​
Decide which Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) you will use.
Monitor activities, deadlines, and deliverables.
Measure results.
Using the appropriate leading and lagging indicators.
What lessons can be learned? How will these lessons impact future projects?​